
2023年7月19日—ThebestAlwaysMouseWheelalternativesareX-MouseButtonControl,PandaMouseProandWizMouse.Ourcrowd-sourcedlistscontainsmorethan ...,WizMousecantranslatemousewheelmessagesintoscrollbarmessages.Thisallowswheelscrollinginoldapplicationsthatdon'tsupportmousewheels.,MarbleMouseScrollWheel,orjustMarbleScroll,isasmallprogramdesignedtosimulateascrollwheelonanytrackballormousewithoutone.,Alight...

AlwaysMouseWheel Alternatives and Similar Software

2023年7月19日 — The best AlwaysMouseWheel alternatives are X-Mouse Button Control, Panda Mouse Pro and WizMouse. Our crowd-sourced lists contains more than ...

Download WizMouse

WizMouse can translate mouse wheel messages into scroll bar messages. This allows wheel scrolling in old applications that don't support mouse wheels.

Marble Mouse Scroll Wheel Download

Marble Mouse Scroll Wheel, or just Marble Scroll, is a small program designed to simulate a scroll wheel on any trackball or mouse without one.


A lightweight tool used to smooth scrolling and set scroll direction independently for your mouse on MacOS. Download Now.

Mouse Wheel Control

Mouse Wheel Control is a pretty light software that will not require as much ... Control the volume on your computer using the mouse scroll wheel. View ...

Scroll Reverser for macOS

Scroll Reverser is a Mac app that reverses the direction of scrolling, with independent settings for trackpads and mice (including Magic Mouse). For wheel mouse ...

Auto Scroll download

2023年11月4日 — Auto Scroll program allows you to automatically scroll your mouse wheel (Up/Down) when you hover over any window. To use Auto Scroll, simply ...

SmoothScroll Mac

SmoothScroll will give your mouse wheel (Chrome, Word, OneNote, text editors, PDF, etc.) buttery smooth scrolling. Give it a spin SmoothScroll is a one man ...

SmoothScroll Windows

SmoothScroll will give your mouse wheel (Chrome, Word, OneNote, text editors, PDF, etc.) buttery smooth scrolling. Give it a spin SmoothScroll is a one ...